Take Nothing with You

you are not prepared to leave behind,

said the man behind the glass window

I gave him my money and took my ticket,

not understanding what he meant.

Eventually, we lose it all,

every charger cable

every airport bookstore read

every water bottle and travel mug,

even laptops left in Omaha,

never to be seen again.

He gestured to the store

that specialized in lost and abandoned items,

they used to get it all

now half of everything

gets blown to smithereens.

I sat in the padded arm chair,

one of a dozen in a row,

a hundred in the space,

and one of thousands in the concourse

and wondered how much I might lose this time

and whether the plane was a 737 max

or just an airbus, number unknown.

About anthonyuplandpoetwatkins

https://www.goodreads.com/AnthonyUplandpoetWatkins born in Jackson, The United States August 04, 1959 gender male website http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?contributorI... genre Poetry, Historical Fiction influences James M. Lancaster, Brenda Black White, Gertrude Stein, William Carlos Williams, and Al Filreis member since March 2011 About this author Publishers of Better than Starbucks: betterthanstarbucks.org There is little about me that isn't already available at Facebook or Linkedin, or countless other places. Poet, writer, construction worker, salesman, truck driver, climber into the attics of total strangers, father and husband, and all around one of the luckiest men on the planet. My luck continued with a win in the June Goodreads Newsletter Contest! What an honor! http://anthonyuplandpoetwatkins.wordp... Additional Influences: Bob Dylan, William Faulkner, Barbara Kingsolver, Gloria Naylor, Eudora Welty
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