Show Tune

On an empty stage

He began to play

the honky-tonk piano

with his left hand,

playing slow, and they

began to drift in from the wings

all casual like, though we know

now it was well choreographed,

they all sang high except

for the one called Rondell

who sang so low, cutting in

deep against the three

singing soft and high,

“We saw Jesus down

at the Barbeque place,

where they smoked ribs

while he smoked Camels, no filters

and Joseph hand rolled a Prince Albert,

licking it slow and just so,

and the girl they called Mary

Magdalene offered him a Colt 45.

And he began to preach as he ate

a pulled pork sandwich,

and they all believed

every word.”

The curtain falls

and the piano plays,

softly one handedly.

About anthonyuplandpoetwatkins born in Jackson, The United States August 04, 1959 gender male website genre Poetry, Historical Fiction influences James M. Lancaster, Brenda Black White, Gertrude Stein, William Carlos Williams, and Al Filreis member since March 2011 About this author Publishers of Better than Starbucks: There is little about me that isn't already available at Facebook or Linkedin, or countless other places. Poet, writer, construction worker, salesman, truck driver, climber into the attics of total strangers, father and husband, and all around one of the luckiest men on the planet. My luck continued with a win in the June Goodreads Newsletter Contest! What an honor! http://anthonyuplandpoetwatkins.wordp... Additional Influences: Bob Dylan, William Faulkner, Barbara Kingsolver, Gloria Naylor, Eudora Welty
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