I Wanna Half a Revolution

I want to bring out the guillotine
and behead, the prince,
and live in the palace
and drink the wine
and wears the beautiful blue coat
with a gold braids on it
and a fancy hat

but I don’t want dead children
in the street and hunger in the village,
I don’t want bullet holes
in the tenement walls.

I just want to get rid of the king
so I can be king
everything will be better
for everybody
because I’ll be a good king.

About anthonyuplandpoetwatkins

https://www.goodreads.com/AnthonyUplandpoetWatkins born in Jackson, The United States August 04, 1959 gender male website http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?contributorI... genre Poetry, Historical Fiction influences James M. Lancaster, Brenda Black White, Gertrude Stein, William Carlos Williams, and Al Filreis member since March 2011 About this author Publishers of Better than Starbucks: betterthanstarbucks.org There is little about me that isn't already available at Facebook or Linkedin, or countless other places. Poet, writer, construction worker, salesman, truck driver, climber into the attics of total strangers, father and husband, and all around one of the luckiest men on the planet. My luck continued with a win in the June Goodreads Newsletter Contest! What an honor! http://anthonyuplandpoetwatkins.wordp... Additional Influences: Bob Dylan, William Faulkner, Barbara Kingsolver, Gloria Naylor, Eudora Welty
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